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Aquarius Full Moon

  • Aquarius Full Moon – 2 August 2023, 5:32am
  • Venus cazimi in Leo – 13 August 2023, 9:15pm


The Full Moon is in Aquarius - fixed air. It holds patterns (fixity), particularly about mental (air) things. A Full Moon is when the Sun and the Moon are the farthest apart. This means that the Sun is in Leo. These energies, while in opposition, do have the greatest distance from one another, it also offers us a lot of perspective. We get to step back from the canvas of our own luminary dramas. Our intuitive – yin side (Moon) can fully take in and appreciate our linear – yang side (Sun), and vice versa. Appreciate or tear down. We get to choose, but oppositions do not have to mean conflict. Think of holding hands with someone and spinning together. Thanks to your opposing partner, you can lean much farther into the spin because of the ballast of another body. All that is needed is trust. Full Moons are when we get to practice trusting in the balance of our own swirling, opposing natures. They do not have to war, they can tango! When Full Moons are in the fixed signs (Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio and Taurus) our focus has more staying power, as does our bravado. When the Full Moon is in Aquarius, it is a time when our mind can have more heart, and our heart can have more fire. So dare to tell a new story (Leo), particularly about yourself (Sun). In order to do that, it helps to get some perspective (Aquarius) on your own emotions (Moon). Be honest, own your patterns (Sun in Leo) and allow the navigational tool of authentic expression be the healing balm for your own existential weariness (Moon in Aquarius).

Venus is retrograde in Leo (23 July – 4 September), so this is the place in her 8 year pattern where she asks that we reassess how we relate to the world, large and small, intimate or distant. Are we in alignment with our inner light? Do we have pride in ourselves? Can we take ownership of our lives? Do we share our true spark freely? Where are we paying too high a price for approval? Where are we being cowards, because we are unwilling to feel fear or vulnerability? This Full Moon can give us lots of insight, but we need to acknowledge where we are not walking our talk. If we can’t change our walk, then we need to have a mental reckoning and revisit what we offer lip service to. Venus is cazimi on the 13th of August while in trine to Chiron in Aries. This means that Venus is in the very heart of the Sun and it is an auspicious place where she is getting juiced up and filled with solar fire. Notice what is being downloaded this day, be open to a more authentic story. Claim the truth of your own personal power. You can choose to be the storyteller and tell a more interesting story – particularly about your own pain and how it shapes the way you relate to the world. When Chiron is in the mix, we have a choice to decide to not be defined by our individual trauma. We can essentially transcend our pain by remembering that there are others who need our hard won wisdom. From our suffering, comes a gift. But it is a healing we must choose and then act accordingly. Chiron does not make the pain go away, but it does show us where we can choose to put it in a much larger container, so its not taking up so much room in our conceptual reality. Many astrologers these days feel that Chiron also speaks to our ancestral karma and helps us heal those tangles. This Venus cazimi is an opportunity to choose big healing medicine. It will require both courage and a willingness to not only claim our authenticity, but lay our pain and fears surrounding that, on the altar of something bigger. We all have a choice. Sure, we can choose to keep twisting ourselves in knots. The energies will happily help us miss the boat and encourage further pretzeling, so that we grow so distant from our own hearts we lose our inner navigational bearings. thereby proving the too small story we choose to tell. But I dare us to dream a better story and then start letting the truth of our own individual hearts walk us toward freedom and wholeness.


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