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Sagittarius Full Moon

  •  4 June 2023, 2:42pm (local time: Bilpin Australia)

This Full Moon is in Sagittarius - mutable fire - meaning its dynamic and all about making change. Fire element is associated with transformation and things of the spirit. This Full Moon is not about safety or comfort. It does not color within the lines. It is the cosmic collage artist. If it sees something interesting or relevant, it doesn't avoid it because it comes couched in a framework that bores or offends it, rather Sag plucks out those sparkly bits wherever it finds them and from all its gathered treasures, weaves something glorious - particularly when it comes to beliefs, ideals and philosophies. This Full Moon is a time to release your too small ideas about things. What beliefs are you carrying that hold you back and keep your possibility smaller? DARE to dream bigger.

This Full Moon is trine Chiron, meaning there is deep healing available at the end of this long journey, but first we must actually begin. SO LEAP. Jupiter rules this Full Moon and he is not only conjunct the North Node in Taurus – signifying his devotion to soul evolution - he squares both Pluto and Mars (and is in an out of sign square to Venus). Jupiter as ruler of Sagittarius wants big picture concepts. Truth and Faith with their capital letters. He is considered the ‘greater benefic’, meaning that he likes to work for us...but keep in mind, if we have our minds set on making unhelpful choices, he is still happy to help us. Jupiter expands whatever he touches. Even the out of sign square to Venus in Cancer tells us that we are poised to deeply examine our values – particularly those that relate to empathy and nourishment. Squaring from Taurus, Jupiter wants to build something. He is ready to get his hands dirty and put his prodigious shoulder to some material wheel. Squares in general are about turning a corner, shifting directions and integrating something that steers us from our current trajectory. Squares are meant to grow us and round us out. This Full Moon we are meant not simply to have big dreams, but to center our dreaming around our values so that our dreams actually tangibly nourish our relationships and our connections to what really matters. This becomes very important later when Venus goes retrograde. So take some time to really sit with these matters this Full Moon.

In Aquarius, Pluto wants deep psychological change and naked emotional vulnerability at a collective level through the process of personal individuation. Mars in Leo wants courageous authenticity and brave commitment to walk off any stage in search of one’s right audience. Yes, there are less helpful roads – this Full Moon can really blow up our egos and our sense of doom and isolation. We can get really dramatic about this story and stubbornly insist that our unhelpful feelings and thoughts are true. And sure, they are… but only from one tiny perspective. Which stories are you going to choose to keep telling and what ideas are you going to choose to believe in. We are the storytellers and the dreamers. We weave our collective reality with our individual dreamings and our individual stories. This Full Moon has quite an agenda. It stands ready and willing to look with eyes and heart wide open. It dares us to dream profound change and growth. This Full Moon challenges us to be seen for who we really are (Mars), knowing that we cannot heal our fractured collective, if all we keep doing is the small and safe measures we have been holding to up to this point (Pluto). Saturn sextiles Jupiter from Pisces and so this Full Moon is about walking our spiritual talk. We actually have to change our patterns of thought and action, if we want things to be different. Jupiter in Taurus can give us a lot of assist in tangible ways, but the mixture of Saturn means that we also have to grow up and do some adulting and be accountable for our piece of it. The squaring energy speaks of strong challenge. It needs to hurt some. It needs to be uncomfortable. The Sun in Gemini will provide energy and insight as to where to put our foot next, but at some point we have to leap away from the safe and slowly strangling beliefs that keep us from true individuation. Use this Full Moon to release what doesn’t support a more authentic you and drop the relationships to things that don’t reflect your values of care and accountability. Thanks to Jupiter’s influence, even small actions can have big impacts at this time…. So just think of what big actions might do?!

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