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Gemini New Moon 

  • 18 June 2023, 3:37pm (local time, Bilpin Australia)

This June New Moon finds us in Gemini with its ruler Mercury holding court nearby also in Gemini. Gemini is mutable air energy. So it moves and wants change and stimulation. Gemini is the ‘youngest’ energy of the zodiac. It has a lot of “giddy-up” and the optimism that comes with that kind of juice. Remember that air energy has to do with our minds and our nervous systems. It moves up and out. It wants to disperse and have free range. If this New Moon is hitting a sensitive point on your chart you can expect tension and anxiety to have more impact on you, so do what you can to support your nervous system. Get enough rest, drink plenty of fluids and remember to eat. A handy trick when you are feeling especially ungrounded, is to simply put a few grains of salt on your tongue. Salt is a mineral and therefore grounding. A few grains can provide a reset moment to help deal with all the up and out energy. But the point is not to block this energy, we always want to integrate what is happening to its highest potential. Gemini energy is here to teach us curiosity. It wants us to ask more interesting questions. Gemini values breadth over depth and has a magical ability to take great leaps and move very quickly. For those of you who work with sect, Mercury can belong to either the day or the night. Mercury is the only god who travels in both the overworld and the underworld freely. Mercury knows no barriers. It can move in any direction. Symbolized by the twins, Gemini mimics that by emphasizing the kinship of polarities. Gemini know that polarities need not be purely antagonistic, but can, in their combined scope make for tremendous richness of opportunity and possibility. This New Moon is about coming to terms with binary models of thought and restructuring how we place ourselves in relationship to them. In its highest expression, this New Moon can help us break down limiting beliefs regarding binaries of ‘right vs wrong’, ‘good vs bad’. We have an opportunity to build new and more interesting bridges and structures of thought that create cohesiveness and understanding rather than a continued "either-or" fracturing that limits our possibility and scatters our strength and ingenuity.

It's all about free will – if we want to continue to draw lines of ‘us vs them’, then this New Moon is also happy to facilitate. We always get to choose how we respond to any energy – we can activate its highest potentials or its lowest ones. The energy really doesn’t care – its job is simply to express. We are the storytellers.

The ruler of this New Moon - Mercury - sits in sextile to Venus in Leo, who has been chasing Mars trying to catch up to him. Sextile aspects energize and enliven. Whenever Venus and Mars get close to each other we can always expect a lot of fireworks. This is the passionate dynamic duo of the zodiac. They are planetary opposites like the Sun and Moon. So we are seeing a double emphasis with this New Moon on binary models - the patterns of two – the Yin and Yang dynamics coming together and wanting to join forces. When Mars and Venus do so in a sign like Leo, we can expect the drama factor to rise. This ups the ante for whatever way you want to play the Gemini energy. Leo energy makes everything personal and it needs to be seen, so it can really blow things up and put them in your face. How you respond again is up to you. This New Moon is not about NOT having drama or trying to avoid it (good luck with THAT), but it becomes more about whether or not you are going to make high art out of the drama that does unfold. Leo lends a lot of creative spark into the mix. Leo energy is daring and transformative. You can whip it all into an energetic, soul sucking frenzy that costs a lot of time and money – drama as sword. Or you can use whatever drama that arises as pen – can you inspire with it? Can you weave a story that has people dreaming something life-affirming with you?

Gemini gets short shrift a lot of the time, because it is so fast and can move all over the place. Because it is so youthful, it is seen as naive. But when we are stuck - when we are locked into our own soul cages of chosen circumstance, dead beliefs and ideals of habit, Gemini energy is exactly what is needed to usher in a fresh wind and carry us out of the dull drums. This New Moon is especially strong in its ability to help you stick your neck out and make some authentic changes in your life. So if you have been wanting to make a change or knowing that you need one, but not sure what to do, this New Moon is here to help you. USE IT. Gemini energy ripples out and side steps easily into different planes of being, so follow your curiosity – however tiny the spark. Take a different route to work. Say yes, if you normally say no. Say no if you normally say yes. Walk on the opposite side of the street. Part your hair differently, wear your johnson in the other pant leg for a change – you get the idea. The point is to invite in opposing energy, welcome a shift of perspective and embrace change. It doesn’t have to be huge – that Leo juice is waiting in the wings to work whatever you do to its big screen potential. With this New Moon, if you want to make art rather than just more drama, then keep it authentic. Put some skin in the game and Be Real. What you begin to align yourself with on this New Moon, you can use to set your Winter Solstice intention for the New Solar year ahead on 22 June.

And on a side note, pay attention to the day following the New Moon (19 June), as that is the day Venus hits her degree of direct station in September. Notice your relational themes and any topics relating to your values as well as your finances, but more importantly interpersonal power dynamics, as it will help give you some insights into what the upcoming Venus retrograde period is all about for you. (Venus will station retrograde 23 July at 28 degrees 36 minutes Leo and stay retrograde until 4 Sept at 12 degrees 12 minutes Leo).

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