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Capricorn Full Moon

  • 3 July 2023, 10:39 pm (Local time: Bilpin, Australia)


When the Full Moon is in Capricorn, that means that the Sun is in Cancer. Full Moons always highlight a pattern of two – patterns of opposites, polarities and things that are binary in natural relationship. Astrology teaches us that every aspect and every energy signature is fundamentally about integration. Just because two things sit in a polarity pattern, does not mean that they have to be antagonistic. Oftentimes it is the very distance of opposing perspectives that offer the only opportunity we have to view the beauty and integrity of something in its wholeness. It is why artists step back from their work – to actually see it. When we are in close proximity (aka: conjunction) with something, we often lack the perspective needed to clearly view it. When the Sun and Moon sit opposite, we not only get to see the Moon in her Full Radiance, but we can also get in touch with our personal drives and logically grasp some of the numinous puzzle that is our emotional and intuitive realm. This helps the Sun (our conscious selves) to navigate, allowing for more heart centered action. The Moon similarly at these times, gives us deep insight into how we might possibly manifest our desires. The Moon helps make intuitive leaps and provides inspiration on where/how to put your foot next. We can work our internal or external polarities and lean into their signatures. We always have a choice. We can make our containers smaller and use the polarities to create division and othering, by telling ourselves stories that highlight the antagony of opposites and we can pit the sides against each other. Or we can welcome the perspective and distance they bring into awareness and use it to grow our containers - effectively stretching stories and thus ourselves to fit the complex paradigm that is wholeness.

And while Capricorn energy is all about "The Facts", when the Full Moon is here,it is not about paying attention with our logical minds, but rather we are meant to become immersed in our sense of values. Those are very legitimate facts too, and ones we might not always be in alignment with. This Full Moon is a time to ask yourself - what really and truly matters? Capricorn energy is often the most cognizant of all the zodiacal signs of the temporary nature of form and so Capricorn Full Moons can often call up feelings of separation, fatality and the weight of the world. Alternatively though, it can also charge us with a sense of duty and responsibility to use the limited time that we have in this body to its fullest effect. What story are you going to be telling this Full Moon? With Pluto being retrograde also in Capricorn, we know that there are deep systemic changes that we need to own and take responsibility for. And this Moon sits in trine with Jupiter in the energy of the Builder, Taurus. It puts not only great determination, but long lasting resonance at our disposal, but like all trine energy, it doesn't just create these windfalls, we must consciously activate it to utilize its full benefit. When we have trining energy, we can all too easily just get a bit lazy, but when we can rally and activate them - lean into them with intention, then they often are like magic wands.

Mars and Venus when they conjoin, can make for drama in our personal lives – especially in Leo. While these two energies might be natural polarities (like the Sun and Moon) when they come together we have an opportunity to integrate our passions. Like lovers in the tango, their individual and seemingly opposing natures, works to the advantage of the whole. With the Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer our conscious focus centers easily around what do I need to nurture myself, to listen to my own needs and have better boundaries that support that.

So there is much energy available over the next 2 week period for us to gain insight and take beginning steps to working with our binary patternings both internally and externally in ways that are mutually beneficial and supporting. So when you notice yourself in a position of antagonistic opposition, see if you can take a step back and look at things with more heart, from a place of your actual values. This can help you shift your perspective (and more importantly - your story) to one of a polarity that honors the fullness of being. Can you use this Full Moon to allow life to be round and complex and full. Can you celebrate the paradoxes even! Make wild passionate love to the sultry complex dance that is wholeness?


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